So now I'm standing in my room, surrounded by stuff that isn't quite worthy of going into a box, and isn't quite terrible enough to get tossed to the curb (or Goodwill). It's driving me a bit mad.
I don't ever want to deal with this again.
That's why I pledge to you, O' Internet friends, that:
- I shall never purchase anything just because it's on sale;
- I shall not store up half-empty little bottles of shampoo;
- I shall never purchase any home decor without knowing where I want to put it;
- In fact, I shall never purchase anything I don't truly want or need;
- I shall organize my receipts and other paper once per month;
- I shall donate unused "stuff" every 3 months;
- I shall never, ever (ever) move again.
Okay, maybe not that last one.